Saturday, July 18, 2020

# SEVENTH DAY Mid-term exam for our ICT subject "THE NEW NORM"

While the pandemic was racing all over the world, we opt to a new norm for conducting the mid-term exam. Indeed, it's not the same as the sit-in examination. For this reason, our instructor published the rubric followed in marking the students answer sheets. As such, the instructor informed the student a week earlier about the time & date of our mid-term exam. With this in mind, each student confirmed with the lecturer that they are free to have an ONLINE exam at a specific date & time. Bearing this in mind, each one of us has to read ahead and do the necessary preparation as the challenge here is that the duration of the ONLINE exam was ONE hour and FIFTEEN minutes. 

Supposedly, each one of us should have studied all the materials required for the mid-term exam.

What is needed for this exam was easy if the student has the willing to allocate some of his time to just read some of the articles and papers shared by the instructor as well as some videos related to WORLD WIDE WEB & NETWORK and what makes difference between them. The mark for this exam is out of 20, so each student is required to be well-prepared to guarantee the highest mark that can be achieved. 

The day of the exam has come. Each student was allowed to answer within a time frame that consists of an hour and FIFTEEN minutes. It should be added that all students were warned for any plagiarism or copy paste action. Such doing will result in mark(s) deduction. To be sure, the lecturer has informed students that all of their answers will be TURNEDITIN. No excuse for any of us. Those who are well-prepared can beat the exam as easy as a piece of cake. Out of a sudden, and after ONE hour and FIFTEEN minutes passed, all students required for additional time. The lecturer understood the situation and was generous by allowing us for a 15 minutes extra time. All in All, the exam was very comprehensive and fair for those who studied well. It is to be considered our first experience having an ACADEMIC exam being conducted in a virtual world. WALID DAKHEL G1814575

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