Thursday, July 2, 2020

#SIXTH DAY The Challenges In Teaching Online for the Teachers

This writing is based on the artcle, EFL Classes Must Go Online! Teaching Activities and Challenges during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia by Arief Eko Priyo Atmojo and Arif Nugroho.

By: Ammar Shauqi bin Jamaluddin G1918501

Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is originating from Hubei Province of the People’s Republic of China has become a current pandemic over the world. The first case of Covid-19 in Malaysia was detected on 24 January 2020. Until now, the current case in Malaysia has reached 8637 cases with 8334 cured cases and 121 deaths.With the emerge of the pandemic in Malaysia, The Ministry of Health Malaysia initiated Movement Control Order starting from 18th of March 2020 until 9th of June 2020. Along this period many sectors have been shut down and not allowed to operate including education sectors. Major examination for Year 6, Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and for Form 3, Penilaian Tingkatan 3 (PT3) has been abolished. However, Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) for Form 5 and Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) for Form 6 are still ongoing. After three months, on 24th of June 2020, the schools are allowed to operate but only SPM and STPM students are allowed to go to the school. The rest will have to go for online learning that is conducted by their teachers. This situation is the same with other countries not just Malaysia where the countries, globally have adhere to online learning due to Covid-19.
Corona Virus. Source: Google Image 

The first challenge that the teachers must face is the low digital literacy among students. The students may know how to operate a smartphone or laptop, but they will have problem to use the applications that the teachers use in their online teaching. This may happens due to the fact that the students never use the applications like Google Classroom, Zoom and Google Meet. This may trouble the teachers in making sure the students get sufficient information from their teaching. 
A student taking notes in online class. Source: Google Image

The second challenge that the teachers must face is the difficulty in creating materials for the the online class. The teachers have to consider many things in creating materials for online class. Factors like students' affordability to buy the Internet quota and the students' gadgets' specification always contribute to the difficulty in creating effective materials for the class. For example, the teachers cannot use a good video from YouTube  due to the data consuming. The teachers have to find another alternative to supply the students with effective materials such as notes that are sent to Whatsapp group and using Google Form to asses the students. 
Materials. Source: Google Image

These are among two challenges among many other challenges that the teachers must face in online teaching. The teachers must be critical in making sure the students are literate enough to use the applications. For example, the teachers can post the step in using the applications like Google Classroom in the Whatsapp group. Other than that, the teachers must be creative in providing the students with effective materials although the students have problems with the Internet quota affordability and the gadget's specification. - Shauqi


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