Monday, July 20, 2020

# TENTH DAY The E-Book and Poster

By: Ammar Shauqi bin Jamaluddin G1918501

For this course, There are two assignments that really caught my attention. The first one is the E-Book assignment where we have to crate an E-Book based on one of the topic in Textbook and another one is poster, also based on one of the topic in textbook.

We create the book based on the topic of Nouns (Common and Proper Nouns) and Article (A, And, The). The E-Book can be a really good material to be used in classroom. There are three elements that we put in our E-Book, which are presentation, assessment and immediate feedback.
The Presentation of Topic

The Assessment
Positive Feedback

Negative Feedback
With all these elements, the teachers can use this E-Book not just in class but also as a homework for the students. The colourful feature that we put in the E-Book will also attracts the students to learn using the E-Book.

Poster is also one of the assignment that was given to us. We have to create a poster based on the topic Singular and Plural. Poster can be used in class in the presentation part where the teachers do not have to write one by one in whiteboard. The teachers can straight paste the poster in class or project it using projector. This can save the teacher's time and make the teaching and learning session to be more effective.
Our Poster
The colourful poster also attracts the students' interest to learn about the topic. Plus, after the teaching ends, the teacher can print out the poster in smaller paper and make it as a handout for the students. Other than that, the teachers can also print out in big size paper and paste it at the back of the class. So that the students can always go and recall what they have learnt in class. 

The teachers must know how to apply these two materials in class. Without proper preparation, the teaching session cannot be effective no matter how good the materials used in class- Shauqi

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# TENTH DAY The E-Book and Poster

By: Ammar Shauqi bin Jamaluddin G1918501 For this course, There are two assignments that really caught my attention. The first one is th...