Tuesday, June 23, 2020

# FIFTH DAY Online Teaching and Learning: Adapting to The New Norm

By: Ammar Shauqi bin Jamaluddin G1918501
As we all know, the Covid-19 that is happening in Malaysia has affected many people including the teachers and the students. The teachers and students are on their way to adapt to the new styles of teaching which is online teaching and learning. The teacher uses many platforms of teaching such as Google Meet and Zoom to teach the students.

Meeting in Google Meet 
It is supposed to be easier for the teachers to teach the students but due to the sudden transition, the students seem to be having a hard time adapting to the new way of teaching. Not all of the students come from a wealthy family. Not all of them have the gadget needed to attend the online class. Sometimes, they have to share with their siblings and take turn to attend the online class.
A student attending online class
Source: Mstar Online

Other than that, the students also have problem with their Internet connection. Not all of the students come from a family that can afford continuous Internet connection. Some of them have limited Internet access in their area, for example, a student in Sabah, Veveonah. She has to sleep on a tree for 24 hours in order to take online examination. That is so heartbreaking to hear from a student that just want to learn for their future.
Veveonah, a UMS student, is eating and taking examination on
a tree. Source: Buzzkini

Online teaching is supposed to make things easier for both teacher and students. But for now, it seems to be a burden for some of the unfortunate students. The government should make a proactive move in helping the students to get the best education during the pandemic period. - Shauqi

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